An Overview of Nial - Chapter 2
An Overview of Nial
Nial is based on a mathematical treatment of array data structures, informally called array theory, and on standard features borrowed from other programming languages. Thus, it combines a mathematical approach to the treatment of data with well understood programming concepts. These capabilities are presented in an interactive environment driven by the Q’Nial interpreter. Nial is ideal for exploratory or experi mental computing, but can also be used effectively for doing intensive computations involving large data sets.
The concept of program development in a conventional compiled language does not apply to Nial. In Nial, the unit of translation is an action which either defines a new functional object to be held in the workspace or describes a data object to be computed in the form of an array expression. The latter may assign the data object to a variable retaining the data object in the workspace. A session consists of a sequence of interactions with the pro grammer or user in which actions are entered. As the session proceeds, definitions and variables are collected in the active workspace. The meaning of an action is determined by definitions and vari ables already processed.
The operation loaddefs can be used as an action that processes several other actions stored in a file. A program in the conventional sense can be created as one large definition in a file and then loaded and invoked using loaddefs; but such an approach ignores the advantages of being able to work in a combination of textual definition and direct interaction. Loaddefs may be used to bring in a single definition or a set of definitions prepared using an editor and can call itself recursively.
The Data Objects
All data objects in Nial are considered to be array data structures. An array is a collection of data objects organized along axes. The most frequently used structure is the list which has only one axis. A string is a list of characters.
Any collection of data objects can be stored in a list; there is no requirement that all the items have the same type. Thus, record types in Pascal or structs in C can be represented in Nial as lists.
Consider the following examples of lists displayed in diagram mode. A list of characters:
'hello world'
|h|e|l|l|o| |w|o|r|l|d|
A list of numbers created by the operation count which returns the list of integers starting at 1:
count 12
A list of two items of different type:
"age 23
A list of two items, each of which is a list of items:
(count 5) 'hello'
Arrays can nest within other arrays. The above example is easier to comprehend when the boxes of the innermost lists are omitted as in the example below:
set "sketch; (count 5) 'hello'
|1 2 3 4 5|hello|
An array with two dimensions is called a table. Tables are convenient data structures in which to store character information that is to be displayed on a computer screen; or numeric data that represents a matrix in a scientific computation:
set "diagram; T gets 3 4 reshape count 12
|1| 2| 3| 4|
|5| 6| 7| 8|
set "sketch; T
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
A table is built using the operation reshape with first argument giving the number of rows and columns and the second the list of items. T is a 3 by 4 table. In diagram mode, a table is boxed. In sketch mode, if all the items are atomic, the boxing is omitted. An array having all atomic items is said to be simple.
There are many operations that manipulate tables in Nial.
transpose T
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
rows T
|1 2 3 4|5 6 7 8|9 10 11 12|
cols T
|1 5 9|2 6 10|3 7 11|4 8 12|
The rows of T and the columns of T are related by the operation pack, which interchanges the levels of a list of lists. The operation mix can be used to convert a list of lists to a table:
pack rows T
|1 5 9|2 6 10|3 7 11|4 8 12|
mix rows T
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
mix cols T
1 5 9
2 6 10
3 7 11
4 8 12
Higher dimensional arrays are sometimes used in three dimensional modelling. A three dimensional array can be created using reshape:
A gets 2 3 4 reshape count 24
1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16
5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20
9 10 11 12 21 22 23 24
The array A is a 2 by 3 by 4 array of the first 24 integers counting from one.
The operation raise can be used to partition a higher dimensional array into an array of lower dimensional ones:
List_of_tables gets 1 raise A
|1 2 3 4|13 14 15 16|
|5 6 7 8|17 18 19 20|
|9 10 11 12|21 22 23 24|
Table_of_lists gets 2 raise A
|1 2 3 4| 5 6 7 8|9 10 11 12 |
|13 14 15 16|17 18 19 20|21 22 23 24|
List_of_tables is a list of two 3 by 4 tables. Table_of_lists is a 2 by 3 table of lists of length four. In the following example, the operation reverse is used directly on List_of_tables giving Rev_tables. The items of List_of_tables can be reversed by modifying the operation reverse using EACH. In these examples, gets is replaced by the symbol := which is an alternative notation for assignment.
Rev_tables := reverse List_of_tables
|13 14 15 16|1 2 3 4|
|17 18 19 20|5 6 7 8|
|21 22 23 24|9 10 11 12|
Rev_tables_items := EACH reverse List_of_tables
|12 11 10 9|24 23 22 21|
| 8 7 6 5|20 19 18 17|
| 4 3 2 1|16 15 14 13|
The effect of a raise can be undone using mix:
mix List_of_tables
1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16
5 6 7 8 17 18 19 20
9 10 11 12 21 22 23 24
For mathematical completeness, atomic data objects (also called atomic arrays) such as booleans, integers, characters and real numbers are treated as arrays with no axes and are viewed as self containing. The effect of the latter choice is that the operation first used on an atom returns the atom.
Nial has two additional atomic types not found in conventional languages: phrases and faults. A phrase is an atomic unit of literal data. Every phrase cor responds to a string but the internal structure is concealed so that the character data cannot be directly accessed. The string content can be retrieved using the conversion operation string. Q’Nial stores phrases uniquely, that is, only one copy of each phrase in use is kept in the workspace. This choice allows a phrase to be represented as an integer that points to the content internally. The use of a unique representation results in efficient equality comparisons and copying of phrase data.
Faults are similar to phrases but are used to denote special values or error conditions. Faults that report errors cause an interrupt of the current execution when they are created unless the default behaviour of Q’Nial for fault triggering has been modified. The special value faults such as ?noexpr and ?eof behave like phrases except that they can be tested using the test isfault.
As an illustration of the use of Nial data objects and some of the data manipulation capabilities in Nial, consider the requirement to display a table of data with appropriate labels on the rows and columns and an overall label. Given the data table:
23 34 12
38 18 26
37 13 42
produce the following display as a table for a report:
Crop Yields Oats Rice Corn
None 23 34 12
Arsenic 38 18 26
Old Lace 37 13 42
The operation labeltable, defined in the Nial library, can be used for this purpose.
library "labeltab; see "labeltable
labeltable IS OPERATION Corner Rowlabel Columnlabel Table {
% Combine the labels ;
Firstrow := Corner hitch Columnlabel ;
% Hitch labels to the rows ;
Labelledrows := Rowlabel EACHBOTH hitch rows Table ;
% Hitch labels to the rows and mix ;
mix ( Firstrow hitch Labelledrows ) }
First the data objects required for applying the opera tion are prepared:
Data := 3 3 reshape 23 34 12 38 18 26 37 13 42 ;
Corner := phrase 'Crop Yields' ;
Collab := "Oats "Rice "Corn ;
Rowlab := EACH phrase 'None' 'Ar senic' 'Old Lace' ;
To do this, the table data is entered as a list and reshaped. The label information is specified as phrases, one for each row and column of the data and one for the corner. The operation phrase is used to create a phrase with embedded blanks for the corner. The transformer EACH is used with phrase to build the row labels that also include blanks. Then the operation labeltable is applied to the list of arguments yielding the desired result:
labeltable Corner Rowlab Collab Data
Crop Yields Oats Rice Corn
None 23 34 12
Arsenic 38 18 26
Old Lace 37 13 42
Labeltable is defined as an operation form, consisting of a header
OPERATION Corner Rowlabels Column labels Table
and a body which is a block marked off by { and }. The block is a sequence of six expressions separated by semicolons. The expressions beginning with % are comments. The operation is called by the action:
labeltable Corner Rowlab Collab Data
The action is evaluated in two steps. First, the actual argument provided in the call (in this case, a list of 4 arrays) is assigned to the formal parameters in the header. Then, the block forming the body of the operation form is evaluated. This second step involves executing the expressions in the block in order. The result of the execution of the operation is the value of the last expression.
The details of the execution of the block are as follows. The expression
Firstrow := Corner hitch Columnlabels
attaches the value in Corner to the list in Collab to give the local variable Firstrow the value
Crop Yields Oats Rice Corn
The expression
Labelledrows := Rowlabels EACHBOTH hitch rows Table ;
uses hitch modified by EACHBOTH to place the row labels on the corresponding rows of the data table to give the local variable Labelledrows the value
|None 23 34 12|Arsenic 38 18 26|Old Lace 37 13 42|
The subexpression
Firstrow hitch Labelledrows
|Crop Yields Oats Rice Corn|None 23 34 12|Arsenic 38 18 26|Old Lace 37 13 42|
extends the list of labelled rows by placing the first row on the front.
The final expression
mix ( Firstrow hitch Labelledrows )
uses operation mix to convert the list of lists holding the rows of the result to the desired table:
Crop Yields Oats Rice Corn
None 23 34 12
Arsenic 38 18 26
Old Lace 37 13 42
Notice that there is no programming required to get the output displayed in a tidy rectangular arrangement. The array display mechanism automatically lines up columns using left justification for textual fields and right justification for numeric fields.
The example illustrates the use of data manipulation operations. The local variables (local by default) Firstrow and Labelledrows hold inter mediate values that are used only once in the subsequent lines. They serve as useful names for intermediate results and make the operation more easily understood. An equivalent operation could be defined as
lab IS OP Co Rl Cl T { mix ((Co hitch Cl) hitch (Rl EACHBOTH hitch rows T)) }
However, such a cryptic definition is more difficult to understand since the use of abbreviated names for the parameters and the defined operation make the purpose of the definition obscure, and the long single expression requires careful analysis to comprehend.
The illustration of how to display a table of data demonstrates the two major programming components of Nial: data objects are manipulated by an expres sion sublanguage that uses many predefined high level functions, and expressions in the sublanguage are combined using control mechanisms such as assignment, sequencing and function definition to provide a high level mechanism for rapid programming.