Getting Started
Chapter 1
Conventional high level languages, such as Fortran, C or Pascal, are designed for the creation of complete programs using a text editor. The program is translated (compiled) to machine language and finally executed (run) to carry out its task. Conventional program development consists of an edit, compile, and run cycle that is either managed manually or controlled through a programming environment.
Q’Nial is designed for the creation of an evolving set of program fragments developed interactively. Q’Nial comes as a console version where a session is started by typing
nial -i
Q’Nial responds by presenting a banner of information and then awaits input at the keyboard. You interact with Q’Nial by typing a program fragment on the keyboard and reviewing the result displayed on the screen. Each keyboard entry is completed by pressing Enter. To end the session, you type Bye or Continue.
A First Session
The following session uses the Linux Console Version of Q’Nial:
> nial -i # start a session
Q'Nial V7.0 Open Source Edition Intel x86 64bit Linux Jul 29 2015
Copyright (c) NIAL Systems Limited
clear workspace created
A := 'hello'
B := 'world';
A link B
link A ' ' B
hello world
The messages indicate that the session starts with the initial workspace, which provides access to predefined Nial objects.
The session begins with an assignment of the string ‘hello’ to the variable A. A is the variable; gets is the assign action; the string ‘hello’ ( a list of characters) is the expression. The string is displayed as the output of the interaction. The entry typed at the keyboard is shown indented because the default prompt for Q’Nial, the indication that Q’Nial is awaiting input, is five blank spaces.
A gets 'hello'
The default behaviour is that every input action in Q’Nial returns a value and that the value is displayed immediately after the input. The value of an assignment action is the value of the expression to the right of gets. In the example above, the expression is the string ‘hello’.
B gets 'world' ;
An input action that ends with a semicolon ( ; ), however, does not display a value. This occurs because the value returned in this case is a special value ?noexpr which, by convention, is not displayed in the top level loop.
A link B
The next input is an infix use of the predefined Nial operation link which joins strings together. The result is the joined string with no separation between the strings held by A and B.
link A ' ' B
hello world
The above input uses link in a prefix manner to join three strings: the string held by A, a string holding a single blank character and the string held by B. The result is a string with the words separated by a blank.
The final input action, Bye, ends the session. If Continue were used instead of Bye, the workspace information would be saved as the file continue.nws in the current directory and the next invocation of Q’Nial from within the same directory would restart the session with variables A and B defined.
Some Differences with Other Languages
The above session illustrates some differences between Nial and conventional compiled languages. First, the use of a console version of Q’Nial is driven by a top level loop which consists of:
- Issue the prompt.
- Read an input action typed after the prompt.
- Execute the action.
- Display the value of the action if it is not the fault ?noexpr.
This is similar to the edit-compile-run cycle of compiled languages but differs in that the edit-compile-run cycle is done on a program fragment consisting of one line and the output is automatically displayed. This paradigm is common in other high level languages that have an interactive interface such as Lisp, Prolog, APL and Smalltalk.
A second difference is the lack of declarations for the variables A and B. Nial is an untyped language in the sense that variables and operation parameters do not have a fixed object type associated with them. In this case, both A and B are assigned objects that are strings. The type information is associated with the objects rather than with the variables.
A third difference is illustrated by the operation link. In Nial, all data objects have both structure and content. Operations, which correspond to value-return ing functions in compiled languages, map data objects to data objects.
Nial can use display settings to provide more meaning ful displays of values. The examples in “A First Session” were shown in sketch, nodecor modes. The following session shows a similar set of examples in diagram, decor modes. In the examples, the double quote mark (“) before diagram is a phrase designator indicating to Q’Nial that diagram is a word or phrase, which is data, and not a variable name.
set "diagram
set "decor
A gets 'Hi'
B gets 'Mom'
C gets A ' ' B
||`H|`i|||` |||`M|`o|`m||
link C
|`H|`i|` |`M|`o|`m|
The operation set is used to control a number of internal switches. Its argument is a phrase or string indicating the setting desired. Here it is used twice to place Q’Nial into the diagram-decor mode of output display. In this mode, the full structure of data objects is displayed (diagram mode) and the contents are decorated to distinguish among atomic types (decor mode). With the display modes set, it can be seen that the argument to link, stored here in variable C, is a triple (a list of length three) of lists of characters of lengths 2, 1 and 3 respectively. The diagrams illustrate that link joins the lists that are items in its argument to form a list of characters of length 6.
The next example illustrates that data objects such as C can be built up by combining other data objects without any detailed description of their structure. The data objects are dynamic in that their size and struc ture do not have to be described before they are computed.
Returning to the discussion of link, the first example used it as an infix operation on A and B and the second as a prefix operation on the triple assigned to C. The dual usage is possible because Nial views all operations as unary operations. That is, they take a single array as an argument and return a single array as a result. Nial translates an infix use to a prefix use applied to the pair formed from the two arguments. Thus, the action A link B is equivalent to link A B. As well, link can be used to join lists of lists of any type or even of mixed type.
The work done by link in forming its result involves looping over the items of the argument and, for each item, looping over its items to move them to the result. Thus, for a task of joining m lists each of length n, link does m times n elementary data move ments. Most of the predefined operations of Nial have the property of doing a substantial computation in terms of the elementary steps done by a conventional compiled language. This higher level view of data and operations on data gives Nial an expressive power that supports rapid problem solving.
Defining Operations
The actions presented in the two previous sessions use built-in capabilities of Nial. In order to program, new functional objects that capture a number of computa tional steps under one name must be created. This process is called abstraction and is central to all programming. Consider the following:
Numbers gets 45.2 3.7 -35.3 87.14
sum Numbers
tally Numbers
sum Numbers / tally Numbers
The four actions above assign a list of numbers to the variable Numbers, sums the list of numbers, measures the length of the list of numbers and computes the average of the list of numbers. These actions compute array values and are called array-expressions.
average IS OPERATION A {sum A / tally A}
average Numbers
see "average
average IS OPERATION A {
sum A / tally A }
The next action is a definition of a new operation that computes the average of a list of numbers. An action that is a definition does not return a value. The definition consists of a name for the object being defined average, the reserved word IS followed by reserved word OPERATION followed by an identifier A as its one formal parame ter.
The body of the function is a block that has just one expression, namely the expression that computes the average of A. The action following the definition uses average to compute the average of the list held by Numbers. The final action uses the operation see to display the definition of average in canonical form. When a definition is processed it is stored in the workspace for later use. It can be viewed by see (and edited using defedit in console versions of Q’Nial).
The session just described shows that a short definition can be typed as an action in the top level loop. However, this technique is impractical for operation definitions that span several lines. To prepare longer definitions, it is preferable to use a text editor and then to load the definitions as one action. The operation loaddefs provides the capability to load one or more definitions that are stored in a text file.
There are several ways to prepare a longer definition. The simplest way on a multiwindow system is to invoke a text editor in a separate window, create the definition and store it as a file, say mydef.ndf. A second way is to open the default system editor using the action edit “mydef.ndf, create the definition and store it. In either case, the action loaddefs “mydef is used to bring the definition into the workspace. A definition file name is required to have the extension .ndf, but the extension may be omitted in the argument to loaddefs.
Definitions created as actions or by using an editor can be retained by using the operation save to store the workspace as a binary file. The workspace can be reactivated later using load.